Students Against Destructive Decisions Final Video

Friday, March 27, 2009

Madison Central's "Safety Week" got off to a great start this morning as Linda Dutil, an emergency room nurse from Maine, spoke to the Junior class about the physical toll of making dangerous choices. Linda began her presentation, which was alternately comical and sobering, with the statement that when we intentionally hurt our bodies [through overt acts or reckless choices] we always do so because of feelings and she encouraged students to seek an adult to talk to when feelings begin to lead us into making destructive choices.

Much of the presentation focused on what happens when a person is brought into the emergency room as a result of alcohol or drugs, with students serving as props for the often grotesque and eye-opening descriptions of the unpleasant processes a patient must endure. Linda used a variety of props and slides to illustrate the short term and long term impact of drug and alcohol abuse. Her love for students and her compassion for her patients was evident as she implored the student body to think carefully about the people they love and the people that love them and the permanence of many of their choices. Students, faculty, and staff members could be heard in the school corridors throughout the rest of the day explaining to those who weren't present at the presentation the emergency room procedures we can steer clear of by making wise, considered choices and opting for positive, safe experiences with our peers. What a great way to kick off this next week's focus on safety.

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